How to Find a Reliable Roofing Contractor – Renovation

November 22, 2022

Ah, Sunday morning. The sun is up but the air is still cool from last night’s rain. The outdoors beckon. As you step out with coffee in one hand, your dog gets up all excited. You start appreciating your garden, your garage, your house, and water trickling over there… Wait. What?!

Nothing ruins your day faster than a sight of a leak. Just the thought of having it fixed infuriates you.

Remain calm before you spring a leak (pardon the pun). We’ll have you sorted out with our step-by-step guide.  And with a bit of luck and patience, get things going your way in no time at all. Hopefully.

First things first: assess the situation. Take notes and pictures. Time to whip out your fancy smartphone. Do you have a ladder and safety harness in your storage? Use it to take a closer look. Clogged gutters and loose water pipes are also possible sources of seepages. Is the water dirty and gives off a smell? Does the leak continuously happen regardless of the weather? Then it could be coming from the drain pipe. You might need a plumber if this is the case. Have the other household members noticed this as well? Write down all important information.

Roofing Renovation

1. Off We Go

Call your architect or engineer. If there’s anyone who knows your property best, it’s them. After exchanging niceties, state your concern and go over your observations. Send the images you took and request an ocular inspection. It’s ironic, but from our experience, leaks are easier to spot during a downpour. They may or may not bill you for their time, so it’s best to ask and be upfront.

Contact the general contractor and/or the roofing installer, or roofing renovation experts, depending on to whom the specific contract was awarded. Relay your documentation too then request a visit, preferably on the same schedule your architect or engineer will be coming. This is to make things fair, plus it’s always better to have another set of eyes.

If the cause is due to poor workmanship, then you have two options: One, you can oblige the contractor responsible to repair the damage at no cost to you. This is if the structure is just a year old or less. The other is if the contractor can no longer be contacted or refuses to admit fault, you can file a claim with the insurer if a performance bond was issued prior. This will take time as surety companies conduct investigations as part of their due diligence. Do note that these bonds are usually in effect for twelve (12) months only.

The bright side is; you might just be able to get away financially unscathed.

2. Take Cover!

It won’t hurt to reach out to your general insurance advisor and check if your policy covers water damage. Again, this may ease your monetary concerns.

3. Let Your Fingers Do the Walking

If your home has been there for some time and you’re unable to locate your architect, engineer, or contractor, then it’s time to take matters into your hands. Or to be more precise your fingers. Summon your KKK and K once again (relatives, friends, acquaintances, and neighbors). Go for those you trust. If they are connected to the construction industry, so much better.

Ask for recommendations on roofing contractors. Take down as much and shortlist later on. Didn’t get enough referrals? Hop on to the internet and look it up. Once again, the first-page search result alone will yield enough leads.

4. Scrutinize

Check if your listings have an online presence. Are their permits and licenses updated?  Do they have posts of completed and ongoing projects? What do customer reviews say about them? A big plus if they belong to a professional organization. Are they located too far? You should be able to remove some of the leads on your list by this time.

Drop them a line and inquire. The manner in which they handle your call is also an indicator of how they value prospective clients. This gives you a clear picture of the level of their customer service. If they are courteous, patient, and accommodating, then it’s an advantage.

Even with the aid of pictures, it’s likely they’ll be unable to provide you with a figure. The best thing they can offer is a site inspection. From your inquiry to their visit, don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek clarifications. These are also telltale signs of how well they know their craft.

5. SOS!

If construction isn’t your cup of tea (or coffee), it’s perfectly fine. We recommend you seek assistance from a construction professional, preferably a relative or colleague well-immersed in the industry. Aside from helping you make sense of the proposals and quotations, they can provide valuable insights and further weed out your list. Three roofing renovation contractors are good enough numbers.

Doors protect you from unwanted visitors. Your roof protects you from everything else. It’s a solid investment you shouldn’t cut corners on. And let’s get one thing straight: The cheapest does not automatically mean the best. Remember that quality comes with a price as well.

If you’re in the market for a roofing renovation contractor providing good service, and good products, at a good price (they’re good people too, if we may add), then look no further. Caspar Steel Roofing has been in the roofing business for more than a decade. Founded by Apolinario Castillo, the company has worked with some of the big names in the country.

Aside from a website ( and a Facebook page (www.facebook/, we also run a YouTube channel dedicated to providing practical tips and useful advice to our viewers. Visit our channel at

For inquiries, please dial their customer hotline at numbers 0920 974 5828. Or email us at

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Got roofing needs? Then all you need is Caspar Steel Roofing: Good service. Good products. Good price.